Registration Please complete all fields as required and attach a copy of the cheque with this enrollment. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. Full Name Title *Prof.Dr.Ir.Mr.Mrs.Ms.First Name *Last Name *Company NameCompany Position Receipt Payment (jpeg Office TelephoneMobile (Please type 852 for HK area code) *E-mail *Enrollment Fee for the seminar (Deadline for Enrollment is 16 December 2024, Deadline for Early-bird registration is 29 November 2024) Payment Options *HK$750 (HK$600 Early-bird) for Member of Co-organising and Supporting OrganisationsHK$250 for Full-time studentHK$850 (HK$700 Early-bird) for Non-memberGroup Registration (equal to or more than 5 persons) - Members onlyGroup Registration (equal to or more than 5 persons) - Non Members onlyHKCI Membership ClassMemberFellowCorporatePlease join usHKCI Membership No.HKIE Membership ClassStudentAssociateMemberFellowHKIE Membership No.Please join us. (the membership form can be downloaded in our webpage.) Group Registration - Members Number of peoplePrice / personPrice: HK$0.00 Registered name NameContact NumberEmailMembership No. (HKCI/HKIE)Enrollment Fee Add Remove Group Registration - Non Members Number of peoplePrice / personPrice: HK$0.00 Registered name NameContact NumberEmailEnrollment Fee Add Remove Total$0.00Enrolment can be made by: By Online registration: (online payment to Hang Seng Bank A/C "Hong Kong Concrete Institute Limited" with A/C No.: 264-301698-001) Sending this completed registration form by email to attached with the printed online payment record, or Online enrolment on HKCI website: and upload the online payment record. For Group Registration by company, a request letter for registration under the company's letterhead shall be sent to the HKCI Secretariat with the name list of the participants stating their HKCI/HKIE membership classes and numbers, if any, and together with a cheque mail to P.O. Box 79077, Mongkok Post Office, Mongkok, Kowloon, or an online payment advice email to, or a commitment statement for payment in the letter for reservation of seats, while the payment is to be settled not later than the seminar day. File Upload for Payment Record Please upload payment advice or cheque copy together with this enrollment. Cheque for enrollment fee must be received by HKCI within 14 calendar days from date of this online enrollment, counted by stamp chop on envelope. Please be reminded that application will NOT be accepted without submission of appropriate fee. Payment MethodChequePaypalBankCheque No.Image/PDF (jpeg or pdf format)Request for ReceiptYesNoPlease select "agree" or "disagree" to receive news, updates, notices, invitations to events conducted or supported by HKCI and information relating to HKCI & the industry via email, mobile message and by post. *AgreeDisagreeNotes Seminar materials will be provided on the seminar date. Copy of membership card should be attached with enrolment form. Enrolment fee will only be refunded upon cancellation by writing on or before 1 December 2024. CPD certificates will be sent to participants after seminar by email. HKCI reserves all rights to make any changes to the programme and speakers without prior notice. The seminar will be cancelled or terminated if No. 8 typhoon signal or black rain warning is hoisted 2 hours before commencement of the seminar or during the seminar. If the seminar cannot be held on another day, all enrolment fees will be refunded. Submit